YouTube pranksters sneak into Portsmouth Playzone after hours and jump into ball pit

PRANKSTERS have filmed themselves mucking about in the ball pit and riding the slide at Portsmouth Playzone after sneaking in after hours.

YouTuber Discoboy sneaked into the play area, in the Oak Park Estate in Cosham, with two pals and explored the site.

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Lee Marshall, who told The News he is 25, said ‘it’s not the crime of the century’ and ‘you've got to get your kicks out of life somehow’.

The video posted at the start of the month shows him and others at Cosham train station before walking through open doors at Playzone.

The trio then ride down slides and play with the equipment.

Discoboy’s video of him inside the Pyramids Centre has been watched more than 60,000 times on the social media platform.

Hampshire police previously said it is a civil matter.

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